Tag: exhibitions

Peter Sellers – Behind the Camera. The Photography of a 60s Icon

Peter Sellers – Behind The Camera showcases the photographic work carried out by one of the world’s greatest comedy actors....

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‘The denseness of the work creates a mystery’ Russell Miller’s Dark Art

After his exhibition at Studio 73 in London, we catch up with the dark and macabre comic artist, Russell Miller ...

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David Sinclair Jazz Photography, Royal Albert Hall

Retrospective exhibition of one of Europe’s most highly collected jazz and music photographers...

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An Uncanny Phenomenon: Wild Kingdom (Clayton Campbell)

Los Angeles media artist Clayton Campbell unveils a difference in perception between today’s society and past generations'...

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Great Things – Rebecca Pelly-Fry, Griffin Gallery [Interview]

I guess there is an element of wanting to put our stake in the ground and say that we believe the artists we show are going to go on to great things....

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The Other Garden

Four artists explore themes of temptation and paradise lost, voyeurism and privacy, curiosity, obsession and gratification...

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Artist or designer? [Alexander McQueen retrospective]

McQueen wraps the girls up protectively, in fabrics fitted so elegantly and perfectly that you begin to wonder if the clothing is meant to be like a shield....

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A mixture of figuration and abstraction. Interview [Bernie Clarkson]

'It was such a surprise to win the trip and exactly the sort of prize I would have chosen for myself'...

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Free-fall bliss of the iris [Richard Diebernkorn]

Diebenkorn himself has said that he was unaware of his surroundings as an artist...

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Arboretum : Royal West of England Academy

Fittingly, many of the paintings also included in this show are left raw and unframed, exposed to the elements – and artistic scrutiny....

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Dexter Dalwood : ‘London Paintings’

Whereas his previous work featured imagined interiors and locations acting as memorials to real people, here it is the narratives which are imagined...

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Muses, monsters and mannequins : Base Gallery

Muses, monsters and mannequins, an exhibition that explores what it means to be human....

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Sigmar Polke at the Tate: Where Mao meets the Sausage Eater

Polke’s humour wasn’t sarcastic, it was a form of rebellion. His volatile artistic tendencies that leave us breathless in awe were his way of shedding each and every conceptual artistic form....

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Suspicion : Jerwood Encounters

Much of the exhibition literature talks of the legacy of film and photography, but the internet and its spawned cacophony of imagery and new modes of looking is clearly also a player in this...

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Anselm Kiefer : Royal Academy

When Kiefer is at his best we don’t need the leaden symbolism of diamonds, not when the mud and filth of paint can carry the weight of time and gold...

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Stuart Semple : Anxiety Generation

The emotive focus within Semple’s work then is desire and its role in creating anxiety, largely within the intersections of sex, power, or violence. ...

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London Drum Show

Spread over two floors, the London Drum Show was a mixture of commerce, education and performance. ...

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Essence : Lara Woolley/Susan Zeppellini

Figurative ceramics, painting and photography, exploring themes such as magical realism and mysticism through to the macabre and grotesque...

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Tom de Freston : Orpheus and the Minotaur

De Freston' s work has little to do with the emphatic and aggrandising tradition of history painting....

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Late Rembrandt

The Rembrandt in the paintings at the National Gallery... is a man who suffered: as a victim of unfortunate tragedies, and as a result of personal flaws....

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Justin Adian : Skarstedt London

Strangers, the first U.K exhibition by American artist Justin Adian...

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Simon Heijdens : NOW Gallery

Using cutting-edge technology, Heijdens will animate the gallery space through clever manipulation of sunlight and the prevalent Greenwich Peninsula wind. ...

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Caroline Piteira [Interview]

'almost everyone only ever encounters the 'cover' when meeting others, whereas I want to go behind everyone's mask and see who everyone really is'...

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Contemporary Sculpture, Zabludowicz Collection

At the Zabludowicz Collection, it is not just our perception of different media that is challenged, but also our relationships to time, scale, colour, form and materials...

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Breugel to Freud : Prints at the Courtauld

If one pauses to listen, then there are some quietly iconoclastic voices to be heard....

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British Folk Art at Tate Britain

Challenging our perceptions of art and viewing rituals in art galleries : British Folk Art....

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Kenneth Clark : Tate Britain

The career and impact of Kenneth Clark (1903–1983), one of the most influential figures in British art, will be explored in Kenneth Clark: Looking for Civilisation...

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Late Turner : Painting Set Free

Tate Britain’s Late Turner keeps Turner on the stage rather than focusing on his exit. As co-curator Sam Smiles said, these are “paintings with subjects that have resonance”. ...

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A Dialogue with Nature : Courtauld Gallery

Landscape embodied a mysterious border space to combat the creeping rise of social industrialisation and cultural European realism...

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The Princely Treasures of Liechtenstein

My senses did register the location as a slightly jarring combination of old and new, however my impressions were still that of awe and gilded opulence. ...

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