Chantal Meza

Chantal Meza
Chantal Meza

An abstract painter living and working in the United Kingdom. Chantal Meza’s work has featured in Exhibitions, Auctions, Interventions, Biennale & Donations in prominent Museums and Galleries in Mexico, Paraguay and the United Kingdom. Her work is held in private and public collections.

She has delivered International Lectures & Seminars at reputable Universities and been commissioned publicly and privately. Her artwork features in many prominent international outlets as well as on book covers, digital and print magazines.

Her current projects include the State of Disappearance art book to be published in 2023 with philosopher Brad Evans.

Chantal Meza, Encounter, 2017
Chantal Meza, Encounter, 2017

Encounter (2017)

“I have blended two different techniques in this piece, which traverse the beginning and the middle part of my life. Those two stages in my working processes are evident to me in this painting. I brought the explosion of the shapes and colours, which I subsequently polished, making them subtle and lightweight to create an embracing feeling.

Chantal discusses Encounter (2017)

There are colours in this piece I normally don’t use because they make me feel tranquil, but when I use them, it means there is a moment of calmness in my life. I bring those shapes to insinuate an expansion. But that tranquillity is not a ‘static tranquillity’, it is a ‘walking tranquillity’; like a feather being moved by the wind. This piece is about being open to the ‘Encounter’ of those moments in life where you are open to receive and open to give more of yourself to the world.’

A signed and numbered print of Chantal Meza’s ‘Encounter’ is included with every new Trebuchet subscription.

Artist prints are included free with each subscription.

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Updates from Chantal Meza

Chantal Meza: The State of Disappearance, at University of Bath

Mexican artist Chantal Meza tackles global disappearance in new University of Bath exhibition.

Art Against Oblivion

The weight of her country’s history and the ongoing phenomenon of enforced disappearances

The Time of the Book

Meditations on time, place and the history of oneself

Exhibited Histories of Erasure

State of Disappearance, Bristol 2023

D_ance for the Disappeared

A performance exploring disappearance through paint and dance.

Do We Need a New Definition of Violence? Brad Evans on Art and Technology Pt 2

Part two of Trebuchet’s interview with Philosopher Brad Evans on violence, history and contemporary life.

Do We Need a New Definition of Violence? Brad Evans on Art and Technology

An interview with Philosopher Brad Evans on violence, history and contemporary life.

Trebuchet Art Print: Chantal Meza

Exclusive art print by artist Chantal Meza

Chantal Meza Awards and distinctions

_ 2019 _

Public distinction. ‘Tecalence distinguished citizen’ Awarded by Tecali’s Government for her 10 years of Cultural contribution. Puebla, Mexico.

_ 2013 _

Acquisition prize in the 2nd ‘National contest of Professional Artistic Painting’ Rodin Royal Talents. Held at the

‘National Art Museum’ (MUNAL) Mexico City.

Chantal Meza Group Exhibitions

_ 2022 _

‘Summer Salon’ Candid Gallery. London, United Kingdom.

_ 2021 _

‘Enajenar en casa ajena’ Red Gris Project exhibited at the Spain Cultural Centre Juan de Salazar (CCEJS)


‘Pause’. Rastrums Project. Online exhibition based in San Francisco, USA.

_ 2020 _

‘Arts Open Exhibition’. Ashcroft Arts Centre. Hampshire, United Kingdom.

_ 2017 _

‘Génesis in principio’. Guadalupe Museum. Zacatecas, Mexico. ‘Live Art’. Modern Art Museum. Mexico City.

‘Origin’. The hundred Gallery. Oaxaca, Mexico.

_ 2016 _

‘Sexual Diversity’. Silver Stream Gallery. Zacatecas, Mexico. ‘Offering’. San Francisco Mall Centre. Puebla, Mexico.

‘1st Art Festival’. Lola Beltrán Museum. Sinaloa, Mexico. ‘We are Libanon’. Génova Gil Hotel. Mexico City.

_ 2015 _

‘Entijuanarte’. Tijuana Cultural Centre (CECUT). Tijuana, Mexico. ‘Live art’. Modern Art Museum. Mexico City.

‘Merkdearte’. Watercolour National Museum. Mexico City.

_ 2013 _

‘Professional artistic painting Rodin Royal Talents’. National Art Museum (MUNAL). Mexico City. ‘Fine Art’. Art4 Gallery. Nuevo León, Monterrey.

‘Re-count’. Historical Centre. Puebla. México.

‘Engraving’. Culturarium UPAEP. Puebla.

‘Nuances’. Helena Fine Art Gallery. San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato.

Chantal Meza, Run Away, 2016
Chantal Meza, Run Away, 2016

Chantal Meza Solo Exhibitions

_ 2010 _

‘Changes; Senses-Thoughts’. Science and Technology Museum. Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.

Artwork commissions, Interventions, Auctions & Donations.

_ 2022 _

Commission. Series Artist. Books with Bra(n)d. Chantal has been commissioned with a weekly artwork by the Stay Free Foundation to produce dedicated artworks for Russell Brand & Brad Evans weekly book club show. Henley, United Kingdom.

_ 2021 _

Donation. Xochitl Rivera. Baja California Sur, México. Donation. Ashcroft Arts Centre. Hampshire, United Kingdom.

_ 2020 _

Postcard Auction. Creative Innovation Centre (CicCic). Taunton, United Kingdom.

Donation. Partners in health (PIH). Non-profit Health Corporation working in 9 Countries around the world.

_ 2019 _

Donation. ‘Life with Autism’. Non-profit Organization. Wales, United Kingdom.

_ 2018 _

Intervention. ‘Rat-art Anti-corruption’ Digital Project Guadalajara, México.

_ 2017 _

Commissioned artwork. ‘Genesis’ Presented at ‘Guadalupe Museum’ Zacatecas, Mexico.

Work donation. ‘Live art’. Sexual Health Organization. Exhibited at ‘Modern Art Museum’ Mexico City.

‘Artist Selected’ for the 3rd. Generation of less toxic Etching on the San Agustin Art Centre (CASA) Oaxaca, México.

Work donation. ‘Feminism community’ Palenque, Chiapas.

_ 2016 _

Commissioned artwork. Mural artwork. Public display. ‘Tecali Kinder Garden’ Puebla, Mexico.

Commissioned artwork. Barrel intervention for the Opening of the ‘Barrel Museum’. Public display. Zacatecas, Mexico.

Commissioned artwork. ‘I Change’. Public display. ‘OPA Restaurant’ Mexico City.

_ 2014 _

Commissioned artwork. Nine artworks for the History Book ‘Tecali in time’ by Franco Morales. Puebla, Mexico. Commissioned artwork. Two artworks for the Novel Book ‘Manuel in the face of the Revolution’ by Diana Ramirez. Puebla, Mexico.


_ 2018 _

Special Invitation to participate in the 5th Biennial ‘Artisan among Artists’ held in the ‘Popular Art Museum’

(MAP)Mexico City.

_ 2019 _

Special Invitation to participate in the 4th Biennial ‘CMUCH’ held in the ‘Non-intervention Museum’ Puebla, México.

Public Collection

Centro Cultural Universitario, BUAP. Puebla, Mexico.

Instituto Zacatecas AC. Permanent Collection. Zacatecas, Mexico.

Barrica Museum. Permanent Collection. Zacatecas, Mexico.

Coronado Monarchy. CDMX, Mexico.


B. Evans & C. Meza, ‘State of Disappearance’ McGill-Queens University Press, Montreal. (2023, forthcoming).

Seminars & Public Talks

_ 2022 _

Joint Lecture & Seminar. ‘Beyond the vulnerability of Art. Confronting the Violence of Technological Disappearance’ by C.Meza & B.Evans at the Ecole Normale Supérieure. Paris, France.

Seminar. C.Meza & B.Evans. North Western University. Paris program. Paris, France.

Paper Presentation. ‘Unseen crowds – Deleted spaces’ as part of the Urban Violence Laboratory at Portland Urban Architecture Research Laboratory, Oregon. USA.

Panel. ‘Critical Art Practice’ at The Urban Violence Laboratory. University of Oregon, Portland, USA.

Joint Lecture. ‘The disappeared of History’ by C.Meza & B.Evans at the Mahindra Humanities Center. Harvard University, Boston, USA.

_ 2020 _

Seminar. “State of Disappearance” at the Centre for Mexican Studies (University Collage Cork- UCC) Ireland, United Kingdom.

_ 2019 _

Seminar. ‘The meaning of art’. McMaster University. Toronto, Canada.

Co-Authored Articles (Peer Reviewed)

_ 2022 _

B. Evans & C. Meza, ‘Have we finally become ghosts in the machine?’ The Philosopher. The new basics. Person. Vol.110, no.3. United Kingdom.

B.Evans & C.Meza. ‘Narcissus in three acts’. Review of Education, Pedagogy & Cultural studies. Vol. 44, Issue 3. T&F. United Kingdom.

B. Evans & C. Meza, ‘The Techno-Theodicy: How Technology Became the New Religion’ Theory & Event. USA. B.Evans & C.Meza. “Immersive: a violent interruption to a visual silence”. Washington University Review of Philosophy. USA.

B. Evans & C. Meza, ‘Beyond Control: Technology, Post-Faciality & the Dance of the Abstract’ in A. Pratihar & S. Das [eds] Deleuze, Guattari & the Global Pandemic. Bloomsbury. (forthcoming).

_ 2021 _

B. Evans & C. Meza, ‘Violence & Abstraction’ Symploke. University of Nebraska Press.

B. Evans & C. Meza, ‘Making peace with violence’ nY: Journal of Literature, Culture & Entertainment.


B. Evans & C. Meza, ‘Art from the future’ The Philosophical Salon. L.A, USA.

Interviews, Articles & Feature publications of Chantal Meza artworks

_ 2022 _

Featured artwork. TREBUCHET. Issue 12 – Realities. London, UK.

Headline Artist & Article ‘State of Disappearance’. W&F Wissenschaft und Frieden. Täter*innen. Germany. Interview. mit der Künstlerin. Chefredakteur David Scheuing. ‘Kunst im Heft 1/2022’. W&F Wissenschaft und Frieden. Germany.

Featured artwork. The Philosopher. Vol.110, no.3. United Kingdom. Featured artwork. Theory & Event. USA.

_ 2021 _

Featured artwork. ‘Ecce Humanitas’ Book. Columbia University Press. New York, USA. Featured artwork. ‘No Label Art’ Helen Arkell Dyslexia Centre. Surrey, United Kingdom.

Interview. ‘Conversations on Violence: An Anthology’ by B. Evans & A. Parr. Pluto Press. London, United Kingdom.

Featured. El Nacional. Asunción, Paraguay.

_ 2020 _

Featured artwork. ‘Quarantine Files’. LARB. Los Angeles, USA. Featured artwork. ‘Cultivate’. The Organ. United Kingdom.

Featured artwork. ‘no.39’. Penny thoughts. United Kingdom.

_ 2019 _

Cover artwork. ‘Atrocity Exhibition’ Book. LARB Editorial. Los Angeles, USA.

_ 2018 _

Featured. Pulso diario de San Luis. SLP, Mexico.

_ 2017 _

Featured article. ‘Chantal Meza: painting a state of Terror’ by B. Evans. Artlyst. London, United Kingdom. Interview. ‘The heart of my heritage’. ENLASS Radio. Puebla, Mexico.

Featured article & Interview. ‘Chantal Meza: painting, colour, shape and vibration’ by Janea Estrada. La Gualdra, La Jornada. Zacatecas, Mexico.

Featured artwork. Escafandra. Zacatecas, Mexico.

Featured artwork. ‘Draw’. Red Siena Printed Magazine. Puebla, México.

Honourable mention ‘The drawing beyond the sketch’ by Ambar Berrera. B Side. Puebla, Mexico.

_ 2016 _

Featured. NTR Zacatecas. Zac, Mexico.

_ 2015

Featured article. ‘Chantal Meza: motion and abstraction’ by Omar Rojas. Puebla Two22. Mexico.

_ 2014 _

Cover & featured Artwork. ‘Tecali in time’ by Franco Morales. SEP. Puebla, Mexico.

Featured Artwork for invitations. ‘Homage to Jose Emilio Pacheco’ Official invitation. Difusion Cultural UAC. Campeche, Mexico.

_ 2013 _

Featured artwork. ‘Planning & Federalism’ The Federalist Magazine. Mexico City.

Featured article. ‘Chantal Meza: A universal artist’ by C. Carpenter. OMD. Southwest Texas, USA. Featured artwork. ‘A free subject’. Upstream for Culture. Mexico City.

Featured artwork. Liberating Art’. Goose feather. Mexico City. Radio Interview. Ticketmaster. Mexico City.

Featured artwork. ‘Fine Art4’. Chic Lifestyle Magazine. Monterrey, Mexico.

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