Tag: religion

Transformative Voids

Places: The Potential of Space ...

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Jungstötter’s One Star

A Review of Jungstötter’s latest album One Star....

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Walking into Modernity

Specially commissioned works and historical pieces come together at Saudi Arabia's Ithra Museum. ...

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A Story of Motherhood in Western Art & Culture

A large-scale exhibition at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark explores maternal roles and relationships as portrayed in Western art, literature, music, religion and historic narratives...

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‘Forgotten’ Text Brought to Life in First Large-Scale Biblical Art Display Since the Reformation

Enoch: Heaven’s Messenger interprets 12 crucial scenes from an ancient Jewish text that was omitted from both the Christian and Hebrew bibles....

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A Very Queer Communion

This charming and disarming homage to a unique figure provides a backbone to the kinds of invasive physical performance for which Ron Athey is best known....

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Evolution, Religion and Art

Little has changed in the stand-off between religion and science, we might be tempted to think....

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The Unbearable Blindness of Theology and Science

dropcap style=”font-size:100px;color:#992211;F/dropcapurther to ‘Philosophy and the God of Bleak Things,’ the  abstracts of two new research papers appear in Improbable Research. The papers...

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Existence, Absence. A Tao of Time

Often, we know of the existence of freedom only by its absence....

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A tattered coat upon a stick, unless…. How to Age Well

Existence is simply meaningless dance of fleetingly animated dust, unless we activate our soul...

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Dear Lord, Please Fix the Property Prices: Praying More Makes Older People Happier

Older people who feel close to God have well-being that grows with frequent prayer ...

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In Car Cow Avoidance Systems GO!

Automated cow avoidance for cars on Indian roads...

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What Holocaust? What War? Collective Amnesia in the Time of Trump

First as tragedy, then as farce. History repeats, but which one are we living in?...

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Forget the Protestant Work Ethic. Catholics Are More Committed

Baylor University research suggests Catholics are most committed to their work...

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Music For the Missus? The Pale (William Control)

Tortured delvings into the 80s synthpop palette for the first of a four EP collection...

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The Vatican: Why Should An NGO Have a UN Seat?

Why does a Non Governmental Organisation have UN status as Nonmember State Permanent Observer?...

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Ban the Burkini? Or Ban Middle-Aged White Male Decision-Makers?

Legislation covers everyone, not just the few women who dress in a way you find threatening...

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Machismo and Violence – The Heavy Doors of Another Closet

Trump calling Obama a closeted Muslim misses the point. Obama's presidency uses Muslims as cannon fodder ...

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Caliban’s Rage at the Blank Touchscreen: On Becoming a 21st Century Savage

The acceleration of technology beyond the layman's ken makes us little more than blissfully ignorant slaves - should we not be noble savages instead? ...

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The Cutpurse Code. Hidden Messages in England’s Oldest Printed Bible

Historian uncovers secrets of the Reformation hidden in England's oldest printed bible ...

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Burn the Heretic! Hold the Phone! Religious People are Less Altruistic

Religious upbringing associated with less altruism, study finds ...

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Up Yours? Blame Saint Peter for the Two Fingered Salute

Ulnar nerve damage caused original benediction sign ...

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Staring into the Mortal Abyss. Motivational?

Self-awareness among humans has been shown to create the potential for hope ...

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Dating by Faith – Why?

People's decision to partner with religious or non-religious individuals can be determined by personality traits that religiosity is believed--rightly or wrongly--to predict...

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Fortune favours…. Why Thinking of God Increases Bravery

dropcap style=”font-size:100px; color:#992211;”F/dropcap or England, Harry, and Saint George…. Oh, and God. Sorry. Forgot. Oops. Reminders of God can make people more likely to seek...

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How Ex-Churchgoers Reconstruct Morality

Most former churchgoers experienced deep crises of identity as they questioned their previous moral assumptions and behaviors....

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Israel and Gaza : Same Old, Same Old

Extremism needs dysfunction to flower...

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Geoff Thompson : The Caretaker

Were it not for occasional cultural references or linguistic signposts, The Caretaker could indeed be mistaken for an established liturgical text....

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Single Women, Sex and Colonial Religion

Research reveals how single women shaped the religious culture of colonial Latin America...

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The Vudu Experiment: Pt. 2

'INTENT: to contact the Loa in order to gain advice/empowerment for dealing with the current, and worsening, crisis in the economy.' SWP consults the tarot for political inspiration...

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