Tag: galleries

Hanging Offence : Viktor Wynd [Museum of Curiosities]

I hope to see things that perhaps others neglect, so if everyone's momentarily interested in an artist I will look elsewhere....

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Trebuchet Talks

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Hanging Offence : von Bartha

More and more people will only buy with their ears and not their eyes. Therefore we must work very hard to educate people about artists and the importance of art in culture and society...

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Great Things – Rebecca Pelly-Fry, Griffin Gallery [Interview]

I guess there is an element of wanting to put our stake in the ground and say that we believe the artists we show are going to go on to great things....

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The Other Garden

Four artists explore themes of temptation and paradise lost, voyeurism and privacy, curiosity, obsession and gratification...

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Artist or designer? [Alexander McQueen retrospective]

McQueen wraps the girls up protectively, in fabrics fitted so elegantly and perfectly that you begin to wonder if the clothing is meant to be like a shield....

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A mixture of figuration and abstraction. Interview [Bernie Clarkson]

'It was such a surprise to win the trip and exactly the sort of prize I would have chosen for myself'...

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Free-fall bliss of the iris [Richard Diebernkorn]

Diebenkorn himself has said that he was unaware of his surroundings as an artist...

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Muses, monsters and mannequins : Base Gallery

Muses, monsters and mannequins, an exhibition that explores what it means to be human....

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Nick Lord : Realising The Truth [Interview]

When I first started to draw, I was massively influenced by the expressionists. Egon Schiele in particular. From them I learned the importance of breaking away from tradition...

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Suspicion : Jerwood Encounters

Much of the exhibition literature talks of the legacy of film and photography, but the internet and its spawned cacophony of imagery and new modes of looking is clearly also a player in this...

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Caroline Piteira [Interview]

'almost everyone only ever encounters the 'cover' when meeting others, whereas I want to go behind everyone's mask and see who everyone really is'...

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Breugel to Freud : Prints at the Courtauld

If one pauses to listen, then there are some quietly iconoclastic voices to be heard....

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About Trebuchet

Trebuchet’s writers are university lecturers, record label owners, gallery curators, professional journalists, avid readers and you....

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Rashid Rana: NAE at Hyson Green

Rashid Rana’s: Everything Is Happening At Once ...

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