Tag: contemporary art

Magnus Renfrew: Curating Tokyo Gendai

An interview with art doyen Magnus Renfrew...

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The Unbearable Reward of Art: LUAP

A preview of LUAP's €250,000 art prize...

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Structures and Disorder

An interview with artist Jon Kipps...

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Art Through Time: Alon Zakiam Gallery

A review of Art Through Time exhibition at Alon Zakaim, 2024...

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The Manufacture of the Modern World

The constructs of Jon Kipps...

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Hanging Offence: Jessica Phillimore

Jessica Phillimore, Founder & Director of Dellasposa Gallery speaks to Trebuchet....

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Trebuchet Tips: Frieze Week

What you should see and how to survive the busiest week in the art industries calendar ...

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Celestial Art: Gail Olding and Trina Bohan

Descriptions of the firmament: Gail Olding and Trina Bohan...

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On The Question Of AI Imagery

Something is getting lost in translation. Does AI Art lose the creative crucible required for depth? ...

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Septuplet: How Art Can Nurture Radical Urban Immersion

Embedded within our individual experience of life is the notion of consumption and presence, by which the parameters of human experience can be constructed (as much as it could be disrupted)....

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Inside: Intercorporeality of Art and Architecture

We-world arising from the legacy of wealth. A review of Inside, an installation......

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The Audience and the Work: Joël Andrianomearisoa

An interview with Malagasy installation artist Joël Andrianomearisoa ...

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Image Junkies

Mia Fineman discusses The Folio Society’s new edition of ‘On Photography’...

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Art is like a Love Affair: Tina Grønning

An interview with Art collector Tina Grønning ...

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Alternative Possibilities: Céline Condorelli

Celine Condorelli discusses her practice and her first survey exhibition at Talbot Rice Gallery....

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Tranquil Voyage

A conversation between space, display and the mind of Celine Condorelli...

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Forever Changed: Various Giant Artists

FOREVER: CHANGED comments directly on how mass media, culture and production had previously been held at a critical distance....

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The Optics and Shine of Chris Levine Pt 2

An interview with famed photographer and light artist Chris Levine. ...

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The Optics and Shine of Chris Levine

An interview with famed photographer and light artist Chris Levine. ...

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Safety in Michael Rumsby’s Nature

Michael Rumsby on landscapes, loving life & joy in painting....

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A Conversation Between Body & Object: Lee Ufan

The Korean artist prepares himself mentally and physically to begin each work and adopts specific bodily postures during the making process ...

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Ghost Like Traces: Between the Ephemeral & the Permanent

A playful web of philosophy, cultural semiotics, and gentle manifestations of joy....

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The Empowered Salon of the Queer

A review of imagery and technique at Guts Gallery’s Salon...

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The Politics of Genre: Shahzia Sikander

"Art history is deeply Eurocentric and tends to place art that doesn’t sit comfortably within its canon as the ‘other’ and never as ‘avant-garde’."...

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Creativity Takes Courage: Eugene Ankomah

Interview with multidisciplinary artist Eugene Ankomah on creativity, truth and having a roving inspiration. ...

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Boobs, Boy Bands & Tentacles: Frieze London 2021

Our Editor-at-Large reports on Frieze London’s comeback with photographs by artist John Anthony Thadicaran...

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Beyond the Physical: Imogen Allen

An interview with British artist Imogen Allen in the context of her debut solo exhibition...

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Windows: The Artist Room’s Inaugural Exhibition

London's newest gallery opens with a group show exploring the motif of the window in postwar and contemporary art...

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Spray Paint with Sickboy

Brand and street symbols in the work of Sickboy ...

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The Hopefulness of Colour: Annie Morris

The London-based artist on grief, repetition and the solace of creativity...

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