Tag: Travel


Vulnerability, Resistance, and Uncomfortable Questions — Tonia Nneji and Jamie Luoto, Berlin

Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery's Berlin chapter presents two challenging perspectives on the female experience....

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Biennale Gherdëina 9:Thinking Like a Mountain

A review of Biennale Gherdëina 9: The Parliament of Marmots and GaMec: Thinking Like a Mountain. 2024 Italy. ...

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CAN Ibiza Art Fair: Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Art

An Exploration of Global Artists, Local Narratives, and Environmental Consciousness on the Balearic Island...

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A Legacy of Smiles—LUAP at Altonaer Balkon, Hamburg

Getting inside the head of the artist, or at the very least, of his creation. Artist Paul Robinson/LUAP explains the Pink Bear Pavilion in Hamburg, Germany....

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The Art Assembly Presents Tokyo Gendai 2024

A preview of Tokyo Gendai international art fair, showcasing curated presentations by internationally recognised contemporary art galleries....

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Cultural Ecology: Contemporary Art in Marrakech, IZZA

A review of contemporary Art Hotel IZZA, Marrakech...

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Interdimensional Craft: Gerry Rafferty and Ásgeir 

Transcendence in Gerry Rafferty’s Rest in Blue and Asgeir’s Time on My Hands ...

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America, Whither Went the Dream?

On the hunt for the spectres of an American dream long departed...

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2018: The Journey ahead (yes more trains)

Trebuchet is taking a seasonal break until Jan 2nd. In the meantime we've selected some fine moments for you to enjoy...

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Loitered Lens: Presence Autochtone 2017

Scenes from stage and Street at Montreal's Presence Autochtone festival...

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Cabin Fever? How to Avoid Catching Bugs on Planes

New boarding procedures and smaller cabin size may limit infection on planes ...

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Rocking the World: Présence Autochtone 2017 (Part Two)

Celebrating the deep rumble of First Nation culture in Montreal...

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How Much Does Your Mind Wander at the Wheel?

Mind wandering is common during driving ...

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What Does Dignity Taste Of? Présence Autochtone 2017

As cultural expressions, food sit proudly alongside painting at Presence Autochtone...

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Greening Jungles with Orange Peel

How orange peels revived a Costa Rican forest ...

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Great Quails’ Eggs, But a Bitter Taste in the Mouth: The Pips

Metropolitan and erudite in other ways, why do great venues insist on pastiche music?...

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In-Car Pollution: Worse Than We Thought

In-car air study of commuting cars finds dangers to human health...

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More Catastrophe! This time: Brexit and Food

UK not ready for Brexit's impact on food, report warns ...

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Sunflowers and Daguerreotypes: Rencontres d’Arles

At the opening week of the Rencontres d’Arles international photography festival ...

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The Better Part of Valour. On Leaving the USA (or Anywhere)

Sometimes the best thing to do is up sticks and go...

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When the Whine… Stops. How to Manipulate Mosquitoes

Researchers use light to manipulate mosquitoes ...

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Did You Know Sydney Harbour’s Dirty Secret?

Beautiful but burpy: Sydney Harbour's toxic emissions are equivalent to 200 cars on the roads ...

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By the Breath of Horus! Genome Data from Egyptian Mummies

Study finds that ancient Egyptians were most closely related to ancient populations from the Near East...

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Mutiny on the Continent (Math-Rock Colour in Grey Berlin)

Berlin's gig scene is vibrant. Mutiny on the Bounty and Mouse on the Keys are ample reward....

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Did You Know When Aussie Brown Snakes are even MORE Venomous?

Discovering the key to what makes the Eastern Brown Snake's venom even more potent...

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Art in Adversity: Magdalena Abakanowicz Remembered

Looking back on the life and career of Polish sculptor Magdalena Abakanowicz...

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Loitered Lens: Womadelaide 2017

After 25 years, Womadelaide still surprises. Photos from 2017's edition...

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Grey Monday (More Blue Rinse than Blue Skies): Womadelaide

Kids waving flags, fruitbats cackling and an improvisational spin at Womadelaide...

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Look On My Works, Ye Mighty. And Grind.

Buried hubris and follies of personality along southern France's Atlantikwall...

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In Car Cow Avoidance Systems GO!

Automated cow avoidance for cars on Indian roads...

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