Tag: space

Are YOU Nature’s Roundest Thing?

Max Planck Institute scholars answer the question: what is the roundest thing in the universe?...

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Meteorites Show Martian Drought Was Long-Lived

Mars is incredibly dry, and has been that way for millions of years....

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Happy Hallowe’en From NASA, With a Bunch of Pumpkin Stars

dropcap style=”font-size:100px; color:#992211;”T/dropcapopical news from NASA couldn’t be more timely on this Hallowe’en day. They’ve found a bunch of stars that look...

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Forget Hornby, How About 3D Printing the Universe?

Physicists make it possible to 3-D print your own baby universe ...

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Tin Foil Hats. No, Really: The dementia risk of galactic cosmic ray exposure

UCI study raises questions about long-term brain health after extended spaceflights...

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Where next for the Curiosity Mars Rover? (And will there be explosions?)

To the Murray Formation - and Beyond! The Mars Curiosity rover sets its GPS for new horizons...

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Banging Rocks to find Life on Mars

Seismic activity on Mars may produce enough hydrogen to support life...

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Now That’s Impressive: Water-Powered Satellite to Orbit Moon

Cornell's quest: Make the first CubeSat to orbit the moon...

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Dark Matter: New Data on The Real Fifth Element

UCI physicists confirm possible discovery of fifth force of nature ...

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The Beauty of the Bubble Nebula – New Hubble Images

On it's 26th birthday, the Hubble Space Telescope relays back images of the spectacular Bubble Nebula...

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Looking for Habitable Exoplanets? Search for the Pale Orange Dot

Early Earth's haze may give clue to habitability elsewhere in space ...

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Free Alcohol! Comet Lovejoy’s Interstellar Booze Cruise

Researchers catch Comet Lovejoy giving away alcohol ...

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Stretching Your Spacelegs for a Landing on Mars: NASA’s Workout

Assault courses on Mars? NASA studies physical performance after spaceflight...

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Working those Muscles in Artificial Gravity

For the first time, we're showing there's a symbiosis when one combines the best aspects of exercise, and the best aspects of artificial gravity. ...

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Will We Cope With Martian Flu?

Spaceflight may be associated with a process of accelerated aging of the immune system....

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Interplanetary contamination

Two university researchers say environmental restrictions have become unnecessarily restrictive and expensive—on Mars. Interplanetary contamination of yeah....

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The Holographic Principle

According to holography (the holographic principle of reality), at a fundamental level the universe has one less dimension than we perceive in everyday life and is governed by laws similar to...

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Evidence of Mars Water

Mars Water? Rocks analyzed by NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover team provide solid evidence that Mars had rivers or streams ...

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Mars Attacks

Exposure to radiation has long been known to be a problem for participants in deep space missions - how much risk is there going to Mars...

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Supercomputer Decodes the Noisey Cosmos

Noisey Cosmos | scientists from the international Planck collaboration have made the closest reading yet of the most ancient story in our universe: the cosmic microwave background...

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Fiery Hot Magma

Massive lava flows may have given rise to two distinct rock types on Mercury's surface. But is it Fiery Hot Magma? ...

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Galactic geysers fuelled by star stuff

Seen from Earth, but invisible to the human eye, the outflows stretch about two-thirds across the sky from horizon to horizon....

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Space travel is harmful to the brain

As if space travel was not already filled with enough dangers, a new study out today in the journal PLOS ONE shows that cosmic radiation could accelerate the onset of Alzheimer's disease....

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Plant growth in zero-gravity

It is well known that plant growth patterns are influenced by a variety of stimuli, gravity being one amongst many. What happens to plant growth when you remove gravity?...

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New Galaxy Found! and it glows green…

Many galaxies have a giant black hole at their centre that causes the gas around it to glow. However, in the case of green bean galaxies, the entire galaxy is glowing, not just the centre....

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