[dropcap style=”font-size:100px; color:#992211;”]I'[/dropcap]m not sure what was haunting me the most.
It was either the voice of Tom Hickox on stage at The Garage, Islington, or the tale I overheard at the bar about Boris Johnson doing something lewd and disgusting with Simon Le Bon many years ago (by the bins at the back of the Shoreditch Costcutter).
Shaking off this ridiculous vision of a foppish mutant love child that had been taken in and reared by a caring hipster couple was just as difficult as attempting to manually blow the dry ice away to get a bead on Hickox himself.
Passion and depth
Opening for Lindi Ortega, Tom Hickox managed to calm the bustling crowd to the point of silence with a wonderfully dark and atmospheric set that was delivered with a large spoonful of gentleman’s relish. His powerful trademark vocal had all of its usual passion and depth, and was under full control as he effortlessly stroked the keys.
Treats from his forthcoming album War, Peace and Diplomacy resonated around the hushed and subdued Garage and were interspersed with the occasional tale of ‘The Lisbon Maru’, avoiding local dog shit, and the pleasure of working with Richard Hawley.
The unassuming and ever-so-dapperly-dressed Mr Hickox greeted and chatted to fans after his set, proving he was not just an extremely talented singer/songwriter but a genuinely smashing and very affable chap to boot.
Photo: Carl Byron Batson. Not to be reproduced without prior permission.
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Photographer, published poet, former party animal, body builder, grave robber
to the stars and renowned chainsaw juggler, Carl can often be spotted on his
Harley Davidson pretending to be in Terminator 2. He is also frequently seen in
the press pits of old London town, camera in hand, avoiding being hit by bottles
of wee and crippling his opposition with secret Kung Fu moves.