‘[It’s] the theatrical aspect of a bigger multi-media project I have been working on over the last year called The Spit of Me (A Story of Us)’
– Dfiza Benson
Captivated by her grandmother’s claims of the German and Trinidadian lineages in their family’s ancestry, the British-Ghanaian writer took a genealogical and emotional DNA test to uncover the secrets hiding in the blood at molecular level.
The Spit of Me is poet and performer Dzifa Benson’s personal quest to explore the story DNA has to tell us about identity. Combining poetry, storytelling, movement and audio-visuals and produced by Renaissance One, The Spit of Me digs beneath the skin to uncover the hidden histories that connect us to each other through genetics, migration and memory revealing that we are all more similar and connected than we first imagined.
Work-in-progress preview 7pm, 30th October 2014 at Free Word Centre, 60 Farringdon Rd, developing to an hour-long touring show in 2015. Limited places.
[button link=”http://thespitofme.wordpress.com/” newwindow=”yes”] The Spit of Me Website[/button]

The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. – Aristotle