Rooftop-mounted misslile emplacements and high-altitude military drones have made UK headlines recently, and with good reason. Suspecting the ever-growing security presence surrounding the Olympic Games to be a foot in the door for a continued policy of surveillance and intimidation that will endure long after the games have finished, Londoners look skywards with a sense of resentment.
Perhaps they should be directing their ire towards the Thames too. The Los Angeles Times this week brings our attention to the existence of remote control military drones designed to work underwater.
The “SeaFox,” is a four-foot, 44 kilo unmanned, underwater surveillance vehicle guided by remote control.
Costing around $100,000 each, the SeaFox drone has been made available for a decade and is currently used by 10 countries, including Great Britain. Keep an eye on the waters around Westminster and the MI6 building, it’s likely to be swarming with the things.
Source: Los Angeles Times

The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. – Aristotle