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Loitered Lens: The SoapGirls

Pink, glitter, punk, gritty. Photographs of The SoapGirls at The Dublin Castle, London.

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find it so awesome the amount of females who say they feel empowered by the fact that as a woman, I do what I want, no matter how much shit I get for it.

I’m saddened however by the fact that female nudity is reserved solely for pornography and strip clubs. It’s acceptable for guys to be topless or even nude (I can name many bands), but should a woman dare to be free on her own terms, suddenly she’s using her body. Why should it be any different to when a man embraces his freedom?

My sister is the opposite and generally wears a lot more than me.’

Mille, the less covered up of The Soap Girls sisters, explains the deal to Trebuchet (full SoapGirls interview here).
The Soap Girls. In more than one way, it’s all relative.

Photos by Richard Harvey. Not to be reproduced without express prior permission.


One Reply to “Loitered Lens: The SoapGirls”

  1. Tyrone Ryan says:

    They say any publicity is good publicity ☺☺ and only wish good for you all xx

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