[dropcap style=”font-size:100px; color:#992211;”]P[/dropcap]resented in glorious 3D THING-O-RAMA,
a live stream of B-Movie horror was intercepted from outer space and beamed directly into The Roundhouse, Camden to reveal the disturbing yet gripping reality of when worlds collide. In this event, the inevitability of strange and horrific genetic mutations taking place becomes all too real.
For those brave enough to gaze through the Devil’s doorway, it would be a bizarre, frightening, shocking and mind expanding experience, as the truth about new wave post punk sci-fi comic book rock was to expose itself on stage before their very eyes.
After thirty-plus years The Rezillos re-emerge from a psychedelic dimension to present a new album, ZERO (release date 16th March), to inflame the senses and challenge the imagination.
Are they earthly or unearthly, human or un-human? Perhaps we were delving into mysteries we weren’t meant to know but the years of absence have been mysteriously kind. Jim Brady on guitar appeared to be under some kind of demonic control, Chris Agnew on bass and Rocky Rhythm on skins gave out that familiar odour of cybernetic organisms, and the otherworldly energy displayed by Fay Fife created gasps of disbelief.
This just left Eugene Reynolds and his sunglasses after dark. Reynolds has the steely-jawed look of the leader, a hypnotic being not to be trifled with but to be obeyed. If you are held within his unshielded gaze for too long, you will surely be atomised.
Impossible? Unbelievable? Fantastic? I tell you it happened and will happen again. A pulsating saucer shaped thrill-o-tronic demonstration of delinquent teenage rock beats from Destination Venus and Groovy Room to Top Of The Pops and beyond, The Rezillos attack every fibre of your being and no one word can describe such a heart-pounding ultra-twisting experience as this out of the world rock and roll show.
Intercept them while you can.
The Rezillos are currently touring with The Stranglers.
Photos by Carl Byron Batson. Not to be reproduced without express prior permission

Photographer, published poet, former party animal, body builder, grave robber
to the stars and renowned chainsaw juggler, Carl can often be spotted on his
Harley Davidson pretending to be in Terminator 2. He is also frequently seen in
the press pits of old London town, camera in hand, avoiding being hit by bottles
of wee and crippling his opposition with secret Kung Fu moves.
Somebody’s gonna get their head kicked in tonite!
Will you be swimming across the ocean blue to Canada? I’d go to this show. Fuck yeah!