Tag: good news

Crystal Clear Carbon Capture

Crystallization method offers new option for carbon capture from ambient air ...

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A Welcome Side Effect: Alzheimer’s Drug Fixes Tooth Decay

Natural tooth repair method, using Alzheimer's drug, could revolutionize dental treatments ...

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The Mental Health Trick You’ll Really Like: Saunas Against Dementia

Frequent sauna bathing protects men against dementia ...

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No, Really. You Definitely Won’t Guess What’s Cooling the Arctic

An unexpected ally in the fight against climate change. ...

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Could This Be the Invention that Fixes Everything? CO2 as Sustainable Fuel

Carbon dioxide captured from air converted directly to methanol fuel for the first time ...

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Reduced Circumstances = Reduced Emissions? CO2 and the Financial Crisis

The 11 percent decrease in climate change-causing carbon dioxide emissions in the U.S. between 2007 and 2013 was caused by the global financial recession - not the reduced use of coal...

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