Tag: academia

The Home and the Heart — Apart at Last

Theory meets anecdote in philosopher Emanuele Coccia’s new work....

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Who Left the Ichthyosaur in The Storeroom Again?

New ichthyosaur species, long gone, found in a storeroom ...

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Against the Indignities of Trump, We Are Either All Together, or We Fall

Pearlclutching and professional outrage led us here, it's time to speak plainly....

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Sympathy/Empathy: The Very Air That Evil Breathes.

Manipulating the reader's revulsion at the bias of a clumsy attack is now an established technique of political propaganda ...

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The Ivory Tower, Trump, and the Eclipse of Dignity

If a Trump win came partly as a reaction to 'the PC brigade', it has to be said they presented an easy target...

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