Spritualized – UK TOUR ANNOUNCED!
Spiritualized, whose new album ‘Sweet Heart Sweet Light’ entered straight into the UK Top 20 and #1 on the Record Store chart and is out now on Double Six/ Spaceman Recordings, have confirmed a six-date UK tour in support of the album this November. They also perform at the Wilderness Festival, Cornbury Park, August 10-12 and Bestival, Newport, Isle of Wight 6-9 September. They are set to embark on an extensive tour of the US in May.
Tickets go on sale at 9am on Wednesday 25th April.
Dates/prices are as follows:
Thu 1 November Gateshead, The Sage Gateshead – GBP 21.50
www.thesagegateshead.org / 0191 443 4661
Fri 2 November Cambridge, Junction – GBP 19.50
http://www.junction.co.uk / 01223 578000
Sat 3 November Leeds, Metropolitan University – GBP 19.50
www.lunatickets.co.uk and 0113 2455570-
Sun 4 November Coventry, Warwick Arts Centre – GBP 19.50
Mon 5 November London, Roundhouse – GBP 23.50
http://www.atpfestival.com/events/spzdroundhouse.php / 0844 482 8008
Tue 6 November Brighton, Corn Exchange – GBP 19.50
“The thread that runs through all Spiritualized albums is that I am obsessed with music and the way we put it together. And if I have learned one thing in all the time I have been making music, it is that there are no rules.” JP

The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. – Aristotle