[dropcap style=”font-size:100px; color:#992211;”]W[/dropcap]ith the Koko piss pit being overpopulated with rival photographers (some of whom looked about twelve and were trying to work out camera settings thirty-seconds before the gig), I thought I had been sent on a mission impossible.
However, we did manage to grab a few semi focused snaps of Toseland after a few neatly placed elbows to the ribs sent the competition crying to their mummies.
Initially I thought Tom Cruise was doing a bit of moonlighting (Bruce Willis stylee) when I saw the band’s frontman stroking his little organ (it was dark in there). But it was just double world superbike champion James Toseland having a wee tinkle.
Toseland actually rocked it from start to finish and whipped up a storm for Reef who promptly went on to finish the job. Mission accomplished.
All photos by Carl Byron Batson. Not to be reproduced without prior permission.

Photographer, published poet, former party animal, body builder, grave robber
to the stars and renowned chainsaw juggler, Carl can often be spotted on his
Harley Davidson pretending to be in Terminator 2. He is also frequently seen in
the press pits of old London town, camera in hand, avoiding being hit by bottles
of wee and crippling his opposition with secret Kung Fu moves.