Being as this is being written in sweaty jungle-like conditions (Trebuchet comes to you today from the sweltering south of France, dontcha know), a band named Bagheera just seemed appropriately sultry to the conditions.
Kipling and Disney aside though, the name Bagheera is now being laid claim to by a Swiss groove metal band, whose debut album Drift will see release on Domino records on October 5th. Although, they’ll have to fight for the name, considering that there’s already a Dutch symphonic rock band and a U.S. indie act from St. Louis claiming the moniker.
We’ll spare you the Cat Balou jokes and paste in the video, shall we?
Teaser #1 Bagheera — Drift from Hungry Ghosts Productions on Vimeo.

The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. – Aristotle