[dropcap style=”font-size:100px; color:#992211;”]S[/dropcap]omebody won the X-Factor at the weekend. I’ve no idea who, but that’s fine ‘cos by February, nobody else will either.
Fortunately, for those of us not interested in financing Simon Cowell’s supercar collection, there are alternatives that offer more longevity. Aynsley Lister’s career has spanned the best part of twenty years and twelve critically acclaimed albums.
His brand of melodic rock-infused blues might not be particularly edgy or on-trend, but is unlikely to go out of fashion anytime soon and Lister’s undoubted talents as guitarist, singer and songwriter have bagged various awards and the unwavering support of a fanbase that runs wide and deep.
The crowd at Farnham Maltings on 11 December certainly seemed to approve.
With Aynsley Lister and other dynamic talents such as Jo Harman, Ben Poole and Laurence Jones pushing this genre of music along, one suspects a rosy future long after Dermot O’Leary has found something else to do on Saturday nights.
Currently touring the UK, a list of Aynsley Lister’s upcoming gigs can be seen at http://www.aynsleylister.co.uk/index.php/gigs#
(depending on whether your browser can get past the infuriating popup window imploring you to sign up to his mailing list. We wish you the best of luck.)