DYING FETUS: Re-Mastered Albums Streaming Online; On The Cover Of Baltimore Citypaper
DYING FETUS are currently streaming the upcoming re-issues of 1998’s Killing On Adrenaline and 1999’s Grotesque Impalement EP online now at DyingFetus.info. Both Killing On Adrenaline and Grotesque Impalement will be released next Tuesday, March 1st and are available for pre-order at the following locations: Killing…, Grotesque…. These re-issues, which follow-up the recent re-issues of DYING FETUS’ Infatuation With Malevolence and Purification Through Violence albums in January, have been re-mastered, re-packaged to include new liner notes and never-before-seen-photography, and bonus tracks.
Additionally, to commemorate DYING FETUS’ 20-year anniversary and the recent round of re-issues, the Baltimore Citypaper is currently featuring the band on the cover of this week’s (02/16 – 02/22) edition of the free alt-weekly. The cover and feature article can be viewed online now at this location. The Baltimore Citypaper reaches over 300,000 readers each week in the Baltimore, MD metro area.
DYING FETUS has also just kicked-off four-week European tour, headlining the 2011 Bonecrusher Fest with KEEP OF KALESSIN, CARNIFAX, and more. Bonecrusher Fest is an annual tour that brings extreme metal talent from around the world to European audiences. A complete listing of the 2011 tour dates and cities can be found below with more information available at MySpace.com/BonecrusherFest.
DYING FETUS’ “Your Treachery Will Die With You”, from the band’s latest album Descend Into Depravity, is now available on the Rock Band gaming platform. “Your Treachery Will Die With You” can be downloaded to the Xbox 360 gaming console through the Rock Band Network or online at this location. There is also a more advance version of this song via Rock Band that utilizes the double bass pedal available here.
DYING FETUS are available for interviews upon request. To speak with the band, simply contact Betsey Cichoracki at Relapse Records via any of the means listed at the bottom of this message. Updated DYING FETUS news and tour information will be made available at the Relapse Records website: RELAPSE.com, the DYING FETUS MySpace page and Facebook page.
***All dates from Feb. 21 thru March 11 as part of Bonecrusher Fest w/ KEEP OF KALESSIN, CARNIFEX, and more***
Feb. 21 Hamburg, Germany Logo (tickets here)
Feb. 23 Berlin, Germany K17 (tickets here)
Feb. 24 Prague, Czech Rep. Exit Chmelnice (tickets here)
Feb. 25 Leipzig, Germany Theater-Fabrik (tickets here)
Feb. 26 Munchen, Germany Feierwerk (tickets here)
Feb. 27 Bratislava, Slovakia Randal Club (tickets here)
Feb. 28 Wien, Austria Arena (tickets here)
March 1 Ljubljana, Slovenia Kino Siska (tickets here)
March 2 Nurnberg, Germany Hirsch (tickets here)
March 3 Bologna, Italy Estragon Club
March 4 Rome, Italy Blackout Rock Club (tickets here)
March 5 Luzern, Switzerland Schuur (tickets here)
March 6 Ludwigsburg, Germany Rockfabrik (tickets here)
March 7 Paris, France Trabendo (tickets here)
March 8 London, UK 02 Academy Islington (tickets here)
March 9 Birmingham, UK 02 Academy 2 (tickets here)
March 10 Hasselt, Belgium Muziekodroom (tickets here)
March 11 Kassel, Germany Kulturfabrik, Salzmann (tickets here)
April 16 Worcester, MA Palladium (as part of the New England Metal and Hardcore Fest)
“The drumming of Trey Williams on his first Dying Fetus effort is both creative and fitting… Blistering speed, tasty chops and a seemingly effortless fit to the DF sound" – Sick Drummer Magazine
"reliable, face-breaking, war-making death metal like this is difficult to deny. Worth your ducats.” – Decibel
“Dying Fetus [have] always delivered the goods and Descend Into Depravity is no exception.” – Kerrang
"Descend Into Depravity” will firmly re-establish the band and its leader John Gallagher as not only built to last, but to destroy all opposition for once and for all.” – Hardtimes.ca
“John Gallagher is a beast of monstrous skill and power…Few bands of this vintage are still delivering the goods with as much intensity.” – Metal Hammer

The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. – Aristotle