[dropcap style=”font-size:100px; color:#992211;”]G[/dropcap]obsheenery bejaysus, top o’ the milk to ya and a heartburn on yer arse.
Dropkick Murphys whittle their shillelaghs, sup the cream off the top of a few wee pints o’ the black stuff and get set for an album launch and Euro tour starting in, where else? Dublin!
Ah Dublin. The sweet omphalos of the craic itself, washed by the allaluvial flow of auld Anna Livia, sceptred and spired epicentre to the land of saints, scholars, poets, philosophers, pundits and the eight-euro pint.
Tell them hoors I want me shoes back.
The Boston seven-piece announce their new album Signed and Sealed in Blood for January 7th, and European tour soon after. Not just confined to the oul’ sod either, with gigs planned in Scotland and…England!!! (600 years of pain, a nation once again, I love my country above my king, O’ Donnell Abu etc…)
And shure why not? Time to bring a bit of reconciliation and lightness to Anglo-Irish relations anyway, and isn’t there a fine established tradition of headin’ over to that London to fleece a few bob out of the perfumed ponces that they are?
Fiddlers and banjists, the stars of all that is trad-washed paddyquackery, shining bright. And when you consider that two decades ago the brightest thing you might have seen in a session of traditional Irish music was the shine of some piss-dribbled ouldfella’s trouser arse as he lifted a grey buttock to fart, that’s no bad thing.
Jump around, jump around, jump up, jump up and get down.
JAN 12 – Dublin, Ireland @ Vicar Street – Buy Tickets
JAN 15 – Manchester, UK @ HMV Ritz – Buy Tickets
JAN 16 – Glasgow, UK @ Barrowland – Buy Tickets
JAN 17 – Nottingham, UK @ Rock City – Buy Tickets
JAN 18 – London, UK @ HMV Forum – Buy Tickets
JAN 19 – London, UK @ HMV Forum – Buy Tickets
[button link=”http://www.dropkickmurphys.com/” newwindow=”yes”] Dropkick Murphys[/button]

The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. – Aristotle