[dropcap style=”font-size:100px; color:#992211;”]E[/dropcap]xuberantly controlled space-jams, psych, jazz, breakbeat, emotion, compositional tension, raw, elemental, subtle, complex. Aww yeahhh!
Constellation Records’ staunchest post-rock allies Do Make Say Think open the label’s 15th anniversary celebrations with a 27th November performance of their classic second album Goodbye Enemy Airship The Landlord is Dead.
The band will no doubt also tap into and play other highlights from its excellent catalogue of six albums spanning the past decade-and-a-half. The gig will feature the Do Make Say Think core line-up of Charles Spearin, David Mitchell, James Payment, Justin Small and Ohad Benchetrit – unchanged since the group’s inception in 1996. The band will be joined by longtime “number six” member Adam Marvy.
DMST will be offering up the Airship experience at the Constellation 15th Anniversary mini-festivals in Europe this November as well.
Constellation’s Ian Ilavsky and Don Wilkie founded the Montreal label in 1997, bringing Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Eric Cheneaux , DMST and numerous additional acts to the attention of the music-loving public. Of Do Make Say Think’s second album, the founders are effusive:
‘we were floored. In 1999, Do Make’s brilliant sophomore album felt to us like a statement by a band that was here to say, and we could only hope at the time that this might prove true. The band proved it and then some, going on to release four more awesome records in the 2000s that we think makes them one of the most consistent, conscious and unpretentious groups to explore the expressive possibilities of genre-bending hybrid instrumental rock music’
The concert takes place in London at The Electric Ballroom on 27 November.

The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. – Aristotle