Bonnie 'Prince' Billy presents "There Is No God" b/w "God Is Love" June 21, 2011
"There Is No God" b/w "God Is Love" is the new single from Bonnie 'Prince' Billy and features the musical talents of Emmett Kelly, Ben Hall, Pete Cummings, Peter Townsend, Billy Contreras, Cassie Berman and Rachel Korine. The songs were recorded by Mark Nevers and mastered by Paul Oldham.
The single will be available on 10” vinyl (RUG421T) and via digital download
Profits from the sale of these recordings will go to the Save Our Gulf c/o Waterkeeper Alliance and The Turtle Hospital to support efforts to clean up and maintain waterways and the lives dependent upon them.
Save Our Gulf is an initiative of Waterkeeper Alliance to support the Gulf Waterkeepers directly impacted by the BP oil disaster.
The Turtle Hospital has successfully treated and released over 1000 Sea Turtles since its founding in 1986. The turtles are released in a variety of ways and at different locations depending on species. Greens are taken either to Pigeon Key via ambulance or they are taken to a spot 20 miles north of Marathon in the Florida Bay. Loggerheads are usually released at Pigeon Key or launched off a boat into the gulf or ocean. Kemp’s Ridleys are taken 70 miles west of Key West out to the coral reefs of the Dry Tortugas.
Watch the new music video for "There Is No God" here: http://saveourgulf.

The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. – Aristotle