[dropcap style=”font-size:100px; color:#992211;”]W[/dropcap]e don’t like fracking. Never have.
Don’t like the name (which belongs to Battlestar Galactica and means something else entirely), don’t like the companies that want to do it, and we also figure that anything the government wants this much is bound to be bad.
That’s before we even touch upon the earth tremors, the anecdotal evidence, the water pollution and the simple logic that when you have a planetary surface that is partly stablised by the pressure of compressed gas, removing that gas is a bit of a doubtful premise for sustained life.
Which is why we’re recommending:
“We Need To Talk About Fracking”
Asian Dub Foundation
Gavin Turk
Mark Stewart
Vivienne Westwood
Although surely, given that we’re talking about earth-shattering beats, pounding thuds and leaky gasbags, Vivienne is the wrong Westwood for the cause. It’s clearly Tim who should be there instead.
On March 12th the first major anti fracking benefit gig is to take place in London. With live performances from Asian Dub Foundation, DJ sets from Gavin Turk, Mark Stewart and DJ John Pandit. Along with Vivienne Westwood amongst the guest speakers and more acts to be added. This gig marks the beginning of a series of high profile events rallying behind the campaign / under the banner ‘We Need To Talk About Fracking’.
Independent enquiry
The ‘We Need To Talk About Fracking’ campaign is demanding a stop to fracking, while an independent enquiry is held into the long-term effects of this new and emerging technology.
“No Toxic for profit legacy for our children” Asian Dub Foundation
Asian Dub Foundation will be premiering songs from their forthcoming album The Signal And The Noise.
“It is clear that we are not being told the whole truth about fracking in the UK when we are told that it is safe. In fact, there are several potential threats to our countryside, our water and our health.” Vivienne Westwood.
Along with the stellar list of entertainers and speakers, the night will see the launch of the UK’s first anti-fracking beers. The Hop Fuzz Brewery will launch beers ‘What The Frack?’ And ‘Fracking Hell’ with labels designed by artist Bob and Roberta Smith.
“Our main concern is with the speed at which fracking has been approved by officials, leading to the potential risk of errors occurring underneath the water table in the Kent countryside. This in turn could pose dire consequences to our water supply, which we rely on to produce our beer” Daryl Stanford, managing director, Hop Fuzz brewery.
‘We Need To Talk About Fracking’ is a growing coalition of popular culture figures, scientists and respected organizations that are coming together to challenge the claim that fracking is as “safe” as we are being told and calling for a more independent enquiry into the technology.
Event details
Date- March 12th
Venue- Rollerdisco, Miles St, London SW8 1RZ (020 7720 9140)
Time- Doors open 7.00pm
Tickets- £12 in advance or £12 on the night, subject to availability.
[button link=”http://www.rollerdisco.com/showevents/10/eventdetail” newwindow=”yes”] Tickets and Details[/button]

The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. – Aristotle