| Art

Lost in New Jersey 4: Intermediary of an Ethic

Lost in New Jersey 4: Intermediary of an Ethic. Photographic series by Matt Coleman

Lost in New Jersey - Matthew Coleman


Lost in New Jersey - Matthew Coleman


Lost in New Jersey - Matthew Coleman



Common readings of photographs, readings shared by members of a society are reached through the intermediary of an ethical and political culture, but this doesn’t account for the personal readings of photographs, meanings that are unpredictable, private and not easily communicated. This experience, as if a detail attains distinct ‘focus’ against the background of less distinct information, happens when in the presence of fantasy; fantasy being an imaginary sequence where the subject plays a part. Ultimately meaning must come to rest somewhere, but what is it that sets the boundaries for the meaning of photographs?

(Essay by Peter Venner 2011)


(Series edited by Peter Venner and Matthew Coleman, January 2011



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